Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Abortion-Conservative Vs. Liberal

From the conservative viewpoint they believe that babies are alive and that women are killing them by getting an abortion. All pro-life people go by what the Bible says which is basically "thou shall not kill." Conservatives think that instead of just aborting the baby that we should keep it and give it up for adoption after the parent gives birth. The adoption part of it benefits the parent and the people adopting because they may not be able to have children which will bless them, but will also keep the parent from having any emotional distress after aborting children because that can create an emptiness for the parent. In a liberal perspective they believe that women should have choice to do what they wish to their unborn child. They also consider the baby "not alive" when first concieved. They think that if abortion were legal it would be safer for the mother because she would have proper care for her instead of having to do it in a sketchy area.

My personal belief is that I am pro-life. I do believe that right at conception the baby is alive and should be carried all the way till birth. I think women now are taking advantage of abortion because now if they do get pregnant they can go straight to the clinc and now have to deal with the consequences of having sex. They are basically using abortion as a birth control. I think that women or even teenage girls should take responsibilty for their actions and for the choices that they are making. I strongly believe that if a teenager or a women can not take care of the baby then they should give it up for adoption instead of aborting it. Adoption is something that can make a family happy because a couple may not be able to have children so in order to have the family that they want they can adopt. I just don't think that abortion is the way to go in order to fix a problem because it is an easy way out.

1 comment:

MDHichborn said...

Hi Cassandra,
My name is Michael Hichborn. I'm the media director for American Life League. I'm currently looking for pro-life bloggers who would like to receive action and item alerts from us regarding pro-life issues.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please e-mail me at
