Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Conservative vs. Liberal

There are many differences between conservatives and liberals. Starting with liberals they are free spirited and love change. Many liberals disagree with certain things that the government says is right for example the war. As each day passes though conservatives become more and more against the war. Certain issues that liberals focus on are abortion, homosexual rights, and against the war. Liberals seem very accepting for new things such as abortion. Personally I think that liberals and conservatives decide based not only on what they believe, but the environment that people grew up in. Certain issues that pertain to conservatives are pro-life, illegal immigration, and the war on terrorism. As characteristics of a person who is conservative they have that more traditional personality, and do not like change whatsoever. Conservatives are all about supporting our country, even though liberals can be too, it seems more intense by conservatives. Conservatives do not like changing what we are so accustomed too, and accept the changes but do not necessarily agree with them. I am a conservative and slowly with the changes in the world become not exactly okay with the way things are going, but accept it because sometimes change can be good. The major issues that pertain to me are pro-life and the war, I think that in certain circumstances abortion is okay, but using it as birth control is not. Those are the differences between conservatives and liberals.

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