Sunday, May 18, 2008

School Prayer

The conservatives think that school prayer should be allowed but thinks that it should limit only to christian values. Mostly they think this because our country was founded on and by Christians. Conservatives want religion to be a big part in school because some feel that it would make people better and its a good discussion topic. Now there are days set aside for students to have the choose to pray at the flag pole and surprisingly a lot of people turn out for it. Liberals on the other hand want people to be able to speak freely of their religion even if it isn't Christian. Also, they think that it shouldn't be allowed since there are so many religions out there besides Christians.

My personal belief is that people should freely be able to pray even if their God isn't the same as mine. When walking into school we don't lose our freedoms so we can bring a Bible or even pray to whatever God we choose. The thing is that I don't think that it should be a distraction to the class or even to other people. I just think that despite our religion we should be able to do pray without a doubt. I come from a very conservative school so we would pray all the time during school and it was a public school. I guess we all knew each other so we knew what religion everyone was which is Christian. I think that if New Trier prayed as a Christian school that would bring up some issues because here everyone isn't Christian. I guess that people should freely pray to whatever God they choose in school without getting in trouble by a person in charge at the school.

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